Saturday, June 8, 2013

My mini me...

This week I am going to be talking a lot about my baby girl, Mia, not a baby any more, she is going to be two in two days! What? Two years old? When did this happened? I still remember when she was a newborn, I remember I went to Amanda Porter's house ( a friend and also an amazing photographer) and I sat for hours while she was taking her newborn pictures!! And now she is two???
I want to talk about her today, as I was watching her really close I kept thinking in how much she remainds me of myself, she has so much personality in such a little body!
She seriously is such a fun girl, never stops talking, never! She LOVES absolutely loves to dance and sing, that's one of the things that love more about her, she is my singing parter! we sing along day and night, we are Taylor Swift fans! I know I know I am 30 years old andI love Taylor Swift so what? LOL, but back to Mia, such a little singer, everytime we go in the car we turn the music as loud as we can and we sing on the top of our lungs together.
She loves to laugh and laugh but she is also such a loving little one, you have to see that face when she sees her daddy get home from work! her eyes light up, she loves her little brother and she loves Harley our Goldendoodle..
I love to prepare for photo shoots, but nothing like some candid shoots, today I had my camera with me when we went to a concert and while we were there I followed my girl with my other eyes... maybe they are not the photo shoot pictures but they totally describe my Mia Mia Mia.... :)

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